Be a man among them.

10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets

I’m still calling them tweets because I have no idea what X would call them. X’s just sounds dumb so we’re going to forgo that option. I’ve recently wanted to start increasing my presence on X (to grow the blog!!!), so I went on a deep-dive of information regarding how to expand X social presence. I went through all that information so you don’t have to, and now I’ve got the 10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets that you need to integrate into your Twitter/X presence to grow!

DisclosureSome of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, I will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Set Goals

Success on social media starts with setting clear, measurable goals. Without knowing what you aim to achieve, you can’t determine if your strategy benefits your business.

Create SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. “Going viral” isn’t a valid goal. Goals should align with your broader business objectives and be broken down into measurable success indicators.

For instance, if your aim is to drive more website traffic, translate this into a SMART goal by targeting an increase in your click-through rate. Use your baseline click-through rate from a X audit to set a specific, achievable target over a reasonable timeframe (e.g., increasing from 1.5% to 2.5% in three months).

What’s an X Audit?

So… there’s a couple things that you need to consider when you’re trying to integrate the 10 top tips for crafting clickable tweets

Evaluate Engagement Metrics:

  • Check average likes, retweets, and comments per tweet.
  • Calculate your engagement rate (total engagement divided by the number of followers).

Content Performance:

  • Identify top-performing tweets based on engagement.
  • Analyze what type of content resonates most (images, videos, links, plain text).

Consistency and Frequency:

  • Review your posting schedule for consistency.
  • Note the frequency of tweets and identify peak engagement times.

Profile Optimization:

  • Ensure your profile information, bio, and profile picture are current and aligned with your brand.
  • Verify that your profile includes a clear call to action.

Hashtag Analysis:

  • Analyze the hashtags you use for relevance and engagement.
  • Identify which hashtags generate the most visibility.

Follower Demographics:

  • Use X Analytics to understand your audience’s demographics, such as location, gender, and interests.

Competitive Analysis:

  • Compare your X presence with competitors to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Analyze their strategies for insights.

Goal Tracking:

  • Measure your performance against your SMART goals (e.g., click-through rate, follower growth).
  • Adjust your strategy based on these metrics.

Create guidelines

A social media style guide is essential for maintaining clear and consistent communications. It aids in onboarding new team members and prevents mistakes on social media.

Share these guidelines with your social media team. They should include elements from your overall brand style guide, such as tone and audience details, but also be specific to social media usage, including:

  • Branded hashtags and their usage
  • Emoji use and placement
  • Link formatting

Given the varied conversations on X—positive, negative, and unusual—be prepared for anything. Criticism is inevitable as your account grows, so plan for responding to trolls and managing PR crises. It’s better to have these resources and not need them than to be unprepared.

Use a content calendar

Planning your content requires some time upfront but saves you effort and stress later. (You’ll appreciate this when you’re not scrambling to come up with a witty, original tweet for #NationalDoughnutDay at the last minute. 😁)

A social media content calendar aligns content across all channels and helps identify gaps and conflicts. It also allows you to plan ahead and capitalize on opportunities for timely or interesting content, such as sharing your sustainability practices on Earth Day or celebrating your female founder on International Women’s Day.

When creating your calendar, consider:

  • How often you want to post
  • The best times to post
  • Who should approve posts

A calendar helps ensure a balanced mix of tweets, following the rule of thirds: ⅓ promoting your business, ⅓ sharing personal stories, and ⅓ providing informative insights from experts or influencers.

However, you can’t set it and forget it. Monitor your X account to reply to DMs and mentions and join conversations!

I use a content calendar that is integrated with Opus Clip. I have the pro plan, so it works out really nicely for organizing all my social posts across different platforms. You should check them out! Shoot… if you want… you can even sign up using my referral link here!!!

Keep track of the trends

X generates quick buzz around various topics, and when a specific topic, word, phrase, or hashtag becomes popular, it’s called a ‘trending topic’ or ‘trend.’

For marketers, X trends are valuable for gauging current conversations and understanding audience interests.

X focuses on relevancy and being timely. Monitoring downward trends helps you avoid creating content about topics that are fading in popularity.

Optimize your profile

Having an on-brand, professional Twitter profile makes a great first impression on new followers. Each element of your profile should reinforce your brand and inform your audience.

  • Handle: This is your account name and how audiences find you on X. Keep handles consistent across social media and include your company name.
  • Profile Photo: This appears next to every tweet, so ensure it looks sharp. Use your logo or wordmark and the correct dimensions for clarity.
  • Header Image: This appears on your profile page and can be updated more frequently. It can reflect current campaigns, provide information, or showcase company culture.
  • Bio: Tell visitors who you are in 160 characters or less.
  • URL: Include your company’s website or the latest campaign link, and update it as needed.
  • Location: Set your business’s location or leave it blank for a global presence.

Below, you can see kind of what mine looks like (or you can hop over to X via the link in the sidebar and give me a follow!)

Engage with the audience

X is a chatty platform where images and videos are useful, but connecting with followers requires an authentic, appealing voice and active engagement.

If you haven’t established a brand voice yet, start here before engaging with your community. Here are some tips:

  • Show Personality: Your brand voice should be consistent across platforms and reflect your brand values. Whether you’re edgy, funny, inspirational, or bold, convey these qualities through your tweets.
  • Be Human: Avoid robotic or scripted tweets. Use plain, accessible language instead of jargon and abbreviations to show there’s a real person behind the account.
  • Be Original: Each tweet should be unique. Avoid posting identical messages across social media accounts to prevent seeming spammy.
  • Be Sincere: Focus on connecting with customers and building trust, rather than just attracting followers.

Engaging on X is crucial for a successful marketing strategy. Ensure your accounts are actively monitored, and someone is responding to direct messages and mentions. X conversations move quickly, so regular check-ins and timely responses are essential to maintain your brand’s reputation.

Schedule posts for optimal times

Enhance your X strategy by scheduling tweets in advance instead of posting them manually one by one.

Scheduling streamlines your social media efforts and helps you stick to your content calendar, ensuring you never miss an important tweet due to unexpected delays.

Additionally, scheduling allows you to post at optimal times to boost engagement. While these times are generally based on Twitter engagement trends, your audience may be more active at different times. Use analytics to measure your performance, identify the best times for your audience, and adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

Once again, my Opus Clip calendar handles this for me!

Learn how to THREAD

Twitter threads let you share a series of tweets in consecutive order, allowing for longer-form content within individual tweets. This format is useful for storytelling, providing additional context, or sharing updates.

Erica Schneider, Head of Content at marketing agency Grizzle, found that tweets in a thread with a link generated a 508% increase in engagement compared to a single tweet with the same link. This insight is valuable when developing your Twitter content strategy.

10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets

Run ads

Once you’re comfortable using X organically, it’s time to elevate your strategy by running your first ad campaign.

X ads can help grow your audience, promote products, drive website traffic, and more. You can promote your account to gain followers or individual tweets to increase engagement and visibility.

X Ads offers precise audience targeting and detailed analytics on campaign performance and cost-per-action. This enables you to reach the right people and quickly identify the most effective campaign messages.

Socially Listen

X isn’t just for speaking—it’s also for listening. “Social listening” involves monitoring conversations on X to gain insights into your customers and community.

By listening, you can discover opinions about your brand and products, as well as learn from other trending topics and discussions. Social listening helps you refine your messaging, build loyalty and trust, and address pain points and complaints proactively.

Focus on these topics:

  • Your business name
  • Competitors’ names
  • Industry hashtags or buzzwords
  • Relevant trending topics

Hope it helps. Get out there and grow that audience!

10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets10 Top Tips for Crafting Clickable Tweets

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