Be a man among them.

  • 2023 Wrapped.

    2023 Wrapped.

    I am beginning to write this article at 5:58 PM on 12/31/2023. I have all intentions for it to be live on 1/1/24, but it remains to be seen whether I’ll hit that target. The fireworks from all the neighbors are already going off outside. Thankfully though, the New Year is always a low-key affair…

  • Does this 1980s Walking Workout work?

    Does this 1980s Walking Workout work?

    Each decade has its defining workout fad. The 1950s gave us trimnastics with Jack Lalanne. The 1960s was all about calisthenics. The 1970s brought on Jane Fonda and her classic “Workout” video (which happens to be one of the best-selling home videos of all time). However, I personally believe that the 1980s is when physical…

  • Christmas movies you need to watch this season.

    Christmas movies you need to watch this season.

    Fellas, we have to do better.  As we are in the throes of the holiday season, I have become painfully aware of the disconnect between men and women regarding Christmas entertainment.  As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, it makes sense to sit on the couch and watch a nice Christmas movie…

  • Coming home for Christmas.

    Coming home for Christmas.

    I decided to be spontaneous the week before Christmas.  Originally, I had scheduled to take two days off from work before New Year’s.  I was sitting in a code review meeting Monday morning when the idiocy of that plan hit me in full effect. Why would I trade days BEFORE Christmas for those after?  My…

  • Top watches for young men.

    As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun understanding men’s fascination with watches.  I couldn’t have cared less in my younger years, but now I’m beginning to respect a good timepiece a bit more.  Want a surefire way to stand out from the crowd of other young guys out there?  Wear a watch.  Like… a real watch. …

  • Protected: One last chance.

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • To be at peace.

    I am beginning to write this article in somewhat of a foul mood. I have been in this mood for almost two weeks now. I am unsure how to get out of it.  Rather than continue to stew in my head, I figured now would be as good of a time as any to put…

  • What is ChatGPT?

    In just a few short days, OpenAI’s ChatGPT will turn one year old. Still, even though it has been around for almost a year, few people truly know what it is. Thus, the question arises, “What is ChatGPT?” In fact, if you were to ask a random denizen on the street if they knew what…

  • What is a Flipper Zero?

    As you all can probably tell by now, I am somewhat of a geek. Now, I don’t sit in the dark all day with pizza stains on my t-shirt muttering to myself in Klingon, but I do occasionally dabble in some pretty cool tech. One of those cool pieces of tech is this neat little…

  • Who is Baal?

    It’s important that we understand, as men, what we are facing in the culture and world of today. The Bible is apt and on-point when it says: 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high…