Be a man among them.

  • PowerShell and BadUSB

    Listen, fellas. Don’t fall into the trope of the “manly man”.  You don’t necessarily need to go out and kill a 16-point buck in your free time, or have a hobby that gets you in grease up to your elbows.  You need to have an understanding of how to hunt, how to fix your car,…

  • Picture the wheelchair.

    As I write this, I’m sitting under the Ravenel Bridge in the Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park on a bench.  I’ve just finished a 2 mile run up on the bridge. It was exhilarating. The sound of cars flying by is flying over my head and kids are laughing and yelling on the playground behind…

  • How much sleep do I need?

    As I write this article, I am laughing at myself. I’m looking at the clock and realizing the irony of writing an article about good sleep habits late at night. I should be asleep. Alas, my mind is racing, and the keyboard is my closest friend, so here we are. Many of us have asked ourselves…

  • The Basics of Investment Portfolios

    Investing is a great way to grow your money over time. Many people get caught up in hype trains.  They want to replicate the Warren Buffet stock portfolio, get into robo-investing, or learn 4 types of portfolio management all at once.  However, before you can start exploring all those cool things, it’s important to understand…

  • How to land a good career.

    Let’s go ahead and establish two truths out of the gate.  As with every article I write, the goal is to inspire and instruct men to reach their God-given potential the right way. Chances are, if you were to YouTube or Google the title of this post, you’d find a lot of people trying to…

  • Weathering the Wilderness

    Below is a sermon I wrote in the weeks following my grandfather’s death in March. I hope it’s an encouragement to you as you find yourself “weathering the wilderness” in your own life. The Lord brought the general message for this sermon to me in the early part of February. It was the idea of…

  • Pick up the mantle.

    I remember when my family first moved to Florence, SC when I was a young teenager. We spent a long time looking for a good church. I quickly found out that just because we’re in the Bible Belt doesn’t mean we’re surrounded by the Bible. The South has become engulfed in cultural Christianity. Everyone says…

  • Is it okay to drink?

    I’m just gonna level with everyone off the jump… I’ve never understood the allure of alcohol.  From the time I was in middle school, to now, I’ve had people try to convince me to give it a try.  “Just a swig”, “just a beer”, “just a taste”, “just a sip”.  I’ve heard it all.  For…

  • Why you need an air fryer.

    Let’s face it. Cooking isn’t always the most fun thing in the world. It gets considerably better when you do it with someone else, or for someone else.  However, if you’re just a single dude, cooking is probably one of the furthest things from your mind.  I get it. I’m there. Back when I lived…

  • Don’t pick a useless major.

    In my list of Top 50 things I’d change if I Were President, there have been many action items that have come and gone. Over the years there have been many policy points and agenda items that I have grown out of.  When I was 6, I wanted everyone to have access to free ice…